In the seventy-eighth season or its annual lectures, the Lowell Institute announces four courses of lectures, two of which bear directly upon the war, to be given by Lieutenant Colonel Paul Azan, Litt.D. Harvard '17, and H. Charles Woods, F.R.G.S.; and the other two on the "Power of Dante" by Charles H. Grandgent '83, L.H.D., Professor of Romance Languages at Harvard University, and on "China in the Twentieth Century" by Frank J. Goodnow, '09, L.L.D., President of Johns Hopkins University.
The first course will be by Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Azan, Litt.D. (Harvard 1917) and Docteur-des-Lettres (University of Paris), Laureat de l'Academic Francaise, Officier de la Legion d'Honneur, on "La Guerre Europeenne Actuelle." 1. La Guerre Actuelle et ses Differences avec les Guerre Anterieures. 2. L'Instruction d'une Armee pour la Guerre Actuelle. 3. Les Tranchees et l'Existence qu'on y mene. 4. La Preparation dune Attaque. 5. Comment s'execute une Attaque. 6. Comment est remportee une Grande Victoire. 7. La Defense d'une Position. 8. Les Qualites de l'Officier et du Soldat. Monday evenings at eight o'clock.
The second course will be eight lectures by Charles H. Grandgent, L.H.D., Professor of Romance Languages in Harvard University, on "The Power of Dante." 1. Faith. 2. Morality. 3. Temperament. 4. Experience. 5. Vision. 6. Conception. 7. Workmanship. 8. Diction. These lectures will be given on Mondays and Thursdays at five o'clock in the after- noon, beginning Monday, November 5.
The third course will be by the President of Johns Hopkins University, Frank J. Goodnow, L.L.D., who has been Special Advisor of the Chinese Government, on "China in the Twentieth Contury." 1. Physical Conditions. 2. Economic China. 3. Philosophic China. 4. Literary China. 5. Social China. 6. Political China. 7. Chinese Education. 8. The Future. On Thursday and Saturday evenings at eight o'clock, beginning Thursday, November 8.
The fourth course will be by H. Charles Woods, F.R.G.S., author of "The Danger Zone of Europe," "La Turquie et ses Voisins," etc., late Military Diplomatic Correspondent of the London Evening News, on "War and Diplomacy in the Balkans." It also includes eight lectues: 1. The Near East before the Great War. 2. The Near East in the Great War. 3. The Danube to the Egean and the Adriatic to the Bosphorus. 4. The Baghdad Railway in the War. 5. The Dardanelles. 6. Saloniki. 7. Constantinople. 8. Mesopotamia. The Future of the Balkans. This last series will be held on Wednesdays and Saturdays at five o'clock in the afternoon, beginning Wednesday, December 5, and omitting Christmas week.
All the lectures will be held in Huntington Hall, Rogers Building, 491 Boylston street, Boston, and further information may be obtained there
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