

Candidates for Dormitory Managerships Due at Newell at 3.30.

All freshman crews will be put on the river for the first time today. In order to take care of the unusually large number of candidates, it is expected that one of the steam coaching launches will be put in commission, in addition to the motor boat now being used.

Men who wish to compete for dormitory crew managerships will report today at the Newell Boat House at 3.30 o'clock. The competion will end shortly before the fall regatta, and the manager of the winning crew will receive a medal or cup.

This is an exceptional opportunity for men who may desire to compete for the 1921 crew managerships next spring, as candidates will gain valuable experience in all work connected with crew. The main things to be done are odd jobs around the boat house, a small amount of clerical work, and running the motor boats and steam launch. None of the time thus spent will conflict with military science or any other afternoon courses.

There is plenty of equipment for more oarsmen. Coxes are also needed. Prospective candidates can receive any additional information at Claverly 6 before 3.30 today.
