The religious discussion groups held each year under the auspices of Phillips Brooks House will begin next week. It has been found in all belligerent countries that men are turning more and more to theological thought, especially in the centers of learning, which may indicate that groups of this nature will be more successful this year than before. They are non-sectarian, held in the interests of no denomination, with a purpose of simply giving men an opportunity for men to get together and to talk over religious questions. The Bible will be studied if the members so desire.
The plan is for groups to be formed in every dormitory entry where sufficient interest is shown, one member, in whose rooms the meetings will generally be held, acting as the group secretary. The discussions will be wholly informal and will be by men picked from the Faculty, Divinity School, and the Ministry. Each group will meet once a week for a half hour discussion, the evening and the time to be decided by the members.
All men who would like to form or join one of these groups are requested to leave their names at the Phillips Brooks House during the week.
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