

It is a tradition of long standing with newspapers, and one, the humor of which they are phlegmatically unaware of, to feature by large headlines the news when a man who has had any period of training at the University gets into conflict with the law. He may have absconded, become involved in a fist fight, or had philosophical leanings toward the I. W. W. His sole acquaintanceship with the University may have been a semester while studying for the doctor's degree in Hindu mythology, a term at the summer school, or a season as assistant janitor's helper in Widener. The occasion of his relations with the University, or the nature of his illegality are of no consequence.

He is a Harvard man. And he has gone wrong. We should be glad that it is regarded as a matter of such astounding interest and universal import by our newspapers that a man who has ever felt the influence of Harvard should ever be less than the best.
