

To Play Five Less Contests Than Last Year.--Soccer League Gets Under Way Earlier Next Fall.

The Brown baseball schedule has been released. The schedule includes 18 games, five less than last year, with one date still open. The shorter schedule is due to the season opening a little later than in previous years.

The season will open with the game with Maine on April 11 and will close with the game with Leland Stanford. The latter team is making an Eastern trip at about that time and will play the game with Brown on Commencement Day, June 20.

The team will meet the Providence Internationals at Providence in three games early in the season. Princeton appears on the schedule once and two games will be played with each of the following: the University, Dartmouth, Yale and Holy Cross.

The schedule follows:

April 11: Maine at Providence.


April 14: Providence Internationals at Providence.

April 18: Rhode Island at Providence.

April 1: Providence Internationals at Providence.

April 25: Providence Internationals at Providence.

April 28: Princeton at Providence.

May 2: Trinity at Providence.

May 5: Dartmouth at Hanover.

May 9: Tufts at Providence.

May 12: Harvard at Soldiers Field.

May 16: Yale at New Haven.
