

J. L. Lathrop and R. C. McKay Made Heroic Rescue from Charles.

J. L. Lathrop '18 and R. C. McKay 2L rescued two 12-year-old boys from drowning in the Charles river yesterday afternoon. The boys were Richard Wolbert, of 9 Centre street, and Philip Rutledge, of 8 Chatham street, both of Cambridge. Lathrop and McKay were walking along the parkway near the Cambridge Boat Club about 5 o'clock in the afternoon when they saw a crowd collected near where the two boys had gone through the ice. Lathrop immediately threw of his coat and plunged into the water, and with the assistance of McKay, pulled them out and carried them ashore. Neither of the boys suffered from the effects of their icy plunge.

Lathrop, whose home is in New Hope, Pa., recently returned from France where he served in the American Ambulance Corps which he joined last February. He was a member of the Section Sanitaire Americaine No. 1, stationed along the Aisne on the western front. McKay graduated from the University of Wisconsin in 1915 and lives in Huron, S. D.
