

Topiarian Club Competitions Decided in Favor of Graduate Student.

Arthur Hadden Alexander 3GL, of Wellesley, was awarded the Topiarian Club Trophy yesterday afternoon as the winner of first place in the annual Topiarian Club Competition. Samuel Danford Zehrung 2GL, of Roseville, O., was awarded second place, and Tyler Stewart Rogers 1GL, of Framingham, was a judged third. Alexander, as winner of the competition, will have his name inscribed on the trophy, which is a large cup donated anonymously in the spring of 1912, and he will have custody of the cup until the next competition.

The drawings were judged by Mr. J. C. Olmsted, of Olmsted Bros., Brookline, and Professor H. V. Hubbard '97, instead of Professor F. L. Olmsted '94, Professor J. S. Pray '95 and Professor H. V. Hubbard '97, as previously announced. Mr. J. C. Olmsted criticized the drawings before the competitors and announced the award.

The problems, accompanied by topographic maps of the area to be developed, were given out early in December, and the drawings were submitted on December 20. The competition was open to all students of the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture, who are taking Landscape Architecture 2 and Landscape Architecture 3.
