


In response to the order of the Executive Committee of the Student Council, the nominating committee of the Senior Class has made a recount of the ballots which were declared invalid after the election on December 19. The revised totals show no difference in the officers from the original count, and only in one case is the order changed. J. C. Harris, instead of having one less vote than G. C. Caner, now has one more. In nearly every case there was an increase in the number of votes received. A few votes are still invalid because in the case of the ivy orator and secretary no man was voted for, and in the other cases the wrong number of candidates were voted for.

The revised results with the totals for each man follow:

Ivy Orator.

H. Wentworth, 203; J. W. Feeney, 199-Five votes invalid.



E. A. Whitney, 264; R. D. Hunneman, 87; P. S. Howe, Jr., 54. Two votes invalid.

Class Committee.

J. W. D. Seymour, 262; R. Baldwin, 256; J. I. Wylde, 126; H. B. Cabot, Jr., 93; H. G. Reynolds, 45; A. Coolidge, 22-Five votes invalid.

Photograph Committee.

R. N. Cram, 179; H. B. Courteen, 166; G. B. Blaine, 154; R. C. Kelley, 132; F. H. Cabot, Jr., 125; L. B. Schneider, 107; T. Clark, 100; G. A. Parsons, 92; W. D. Kelley, 3d, 89; L. M. Lombard, 56. Seven votes invalid.

Class Day Committee.

H. H. Dadmun, 382; G. E. Abbot, 349; J. E. P. Morgan, 275; W. H. Meeker, 261; W. I. Tibbetts, 260; J. C. Harroes, 252; G. C. Caner, 251; J. T. Beal, 2d, 206; W. J. Brown, 168; A. L. Gardner, Jr., 137; W. A. Walker, 122; H. N. Squires, Jr., 101; W. W. Sanders, 15. Ten votes invalid.

Dadmun Class Day Chairman.

At a recent meeting of the class day committee, H. H. Dadmun was elected chairman.
