

Prof. Baker to Write Book Showing Cambridge's Place in History.

Plans are being made for the production of a Cambridge pageant to take place in the Stadium next spring. Professor G. P. Baker '87, of the Department of English, who has helped produce several pageants, is preparing to write the book. Those who have the pageant in charge plan to take advantage of the impressive historical setting of Cambridge and the opportunity offered by the Stadium for staging such a spectacle to picture to the children of this vicinity especially, the part that Cambridge has played in American history. It is the intention, furthermore, to have children take part in the pageant as far as possible. Mr. G. E. Johnson, of the Department of Education, and Professor W. F. Harris '91, who is responsible for the auspicious start of the Lowell School Centre, are on the committee which will make the plans for the pageant. The trained choruses of the Cambridge chorus organization under the direction of Mr. Whoriskey are enlisting with many other organizations in this community project.
