The Graduate School of Business Administration had made large extensions this year in the facilities it offers for study in specialized fields of business activity. The revised list of seventeen specialized courses for the second semester, which begins this week, shows opportunity for such work in varied lines open to the first year students who have been taking the more general courses during the first half-year. Two courses, "Factory Practice" and "Water Transportation," are being given for the first time. The former will comprise a large amount of actual field work and investigation. Three courses, "Latin-American Trade Problems," "Railroad Accounting and Statistics" and "Public Utilities Operation" will be in new hands, and conducted in a different manner.
Summer Lumbering Work Planned.
Two interesting and productive fields in which the School has developed thorough plans of study are insurance and lumbering. In the former, four courses are now open for the second half year, and in the latter two. In connection with the specialization in lumbering, the School has made arrangements with a lumbering camp to have students spend four weeks in the summer preceding the fall opening observing timber and studying and milling operations. This is in line with the general policy of the School which is to have the students spend the summers in practical work.
The complete list of courses in specialized fields which open this week is as follows: accounting, "Accounting Practice" and "Industrial Accounting"; financial management, "Investments" and "Financial Management of Railroad Companies"; transportation, "Railroad Accounting and Statistics" and "Water Transportation"; insurance, "Fire Insurance Engineering"; "Life Insurance Agency Methods" and "Actuarial Practice"; lumbering, "General Lumbering" and "Lumber Problems"; law, "Law Relating to Railroad Rate Making"; industrial management, "Factory Practice"; Chamber of Commerce Work and Methods"; local public utilities, "Public Utilities Operation"; and foreign trade, "Latin American Trade Problems."
Equipment Exhibition Installed.
A collection of business equipment and machinery has been installed in Lawrence Hall on the top floor on the side nearest Memorial Hall under the auspices of the School, and the different kinds of apparatus are now available for use in connection with academic work by students in the school. The collection includes a dictaphone, various kinds of time-recording, clocks, adding machines, typewriters, loose-leaf forms and accounting books, and a Hollerity Tabulating Machine." The rooms are open daily, except Saturday and Sunday between 1.30 and 5.30 o'clock, and are under the charge of L. V. Boyle 2GB and E. C. Loucks 1GB, who explain the operation of the equipment.
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