

Prof. Johnston Spoke to International Polity Club Last Evening on Present Military Situation.

Professor R. M. Johnston, speaking before the International Polity Club last evening, spoke on the military situation in the United States from a purely technical point of view. He showed that one of our greatest problems was that of concentrating effective bodies of troops in a short space of time. At present the transportation facilities of our railroads are entirely inadequate for such an emergency. In regard to the Chamberlain Bill he said that it provided for an enormous mass of semi-trained men without an adequate force of officers to properly direct the unmanageable numbers. It would be axactly like building a house and then constructing the scaffolding afterwards.

Professor Johnston also pointed out the greater value of a small force of highly-trained soldiers over a large force of men equipped with guns, and also the great asset of a coprs of experienced, technical men in the higher commands in charge of inexperienced forces.
