


Coach Winsor gave the regulars of the University hockey team a short "dope" talk before practice yesterday and then worked them for 20 minutes in shooting and passing. He paid particular attention to team play around the opposing goal and tried to develop formations intended to afford the maximum scoring possibilities. The schemes worked out fairly well in practice, several goals being made, but during the scrimmage they were not as effective, for the men frequently forgot them.

The strenuous part of the afternoon's work consisted in a scrimmage between the regulars and the B. A. A. seven, which was cut short after about 20 minutes because the Boston team needed the whole rink in preparation for its game tonight. The practice showed a great improvement on the part of the University, for the men were all in good condition and gave a much better account of themselves than on Monday. E. O. Baker '17 played one of the best games of hockey he has shown this year. He developed a remarkable amount of speed, and his stickwork, both in carrying the puck and in getting it away from the B. A. A. forwards, was the cleverest of any player on the ice. In spite of this he was unable to score any goals, although one of his passes to G. A. Percy '18 resulted in a tally by the latter.

The University seven scored three times against their opponents, and the scrimmage ended just as a single tally was made against them. Two of these goals were by Percy, one of them on a beautiful long angle shot from the boards, and the third was scored by F. D. Huntington '12 against his own team when in his endeavor to stop one of T. H. Rice '17's hard shots the puck rolled the wrong way into the unguarded goal. The lone score against the regulars was the result of a hard backhand shot by T. K. Fisher '17, who played at right center for the B. A. A. throughout the practice.

The chief hindrance to the team's progress is not so much actual passing, which has improved, but the receiving of passes.
