
Seniors Must Return "Class Lives"

The secretary's "class life" blanks and the treasurer's subscription cards have been sent to all members of the Class of 1917. The blanks for the permanent address and occupation of members of 1917 should be returned to the secretary immediately, as it is essential that the present records be verified as soon s possible. It has been demonstrated in previous years that the completeness of the secretary's first report depends very largely upon his receiving the "Class Lives" before the spring recess.

The subscriptions to the Class Fund are due before June 1, 1917, but as there are many immediate expenses to be met and the Class Day expenses to be calculated, members are urged to remit the memorandum of their subscription and their first instalment to the treasurer, Thayer 25, without delay.

In case any member of 1917 has failed to receive any of the blanks mentioned above the secretary should be notified at once at Box D. Cambridge. N. E. BURBIDGE, Treasurer.   E. A. WHITNEY, Secretary.

CLASS OF 1917.
