


The greatest gathering of Yale "Y", men ever held and one of the most remarkable reunions of college men which has ever taken place in this country occurred at the Yale Club, New York City, last Friday evening. The purpose of the gathering was to form the new Yale Varsity Club for all the former Yale athletes who have upheld the Blue on gridiron, track, diamond and river. The former Yale stars who assembled for the occasion represented nearly every state in the Union and constituted far and away the largest number of letter men of a single university ever collected under one roof. Captain Black's 1916 eleven, last fall's coaching staff and the Football Committee were the guests of honor.

All of Yale's athletic heroes for many years back were there to join in the movement for the new "Y" club. It is to be built at New Haven and its membership will include all athletes who have made their letter in any branch of college sport. The idea for the club was submitted to the Yale men at the late supper which followed their big theatre party at the Century Theatre. Not only were athletes of the past and present at the celebration, but also Yale men to the number of nearly 2,000. The formation of the new Varsity Club was placed in the hands of a committee, and its formation will be effected in a short time.

The celebration began with a reception late in the afternoon which was attended by all the former Yale athletic stars who had come to take part in the reunion. Cheer on cheer was given for Captain Black and the victorious team, as well as for Captain Gates of next year's team, Coach Tad Jones, Johnny Mack, the trainer, the scrubs, Captain Myer of the crew, and Captain Overton of the track team. Following the reception a dinner was given to the football team.

There was a special performance of "The Century Girl" at the Century Theatre for the "Y" men after the dinner, and following this the assemblage returned to the Yale Club for another reception and supper.

Then followed a festival of cheering, singing and speechmaking, which lasted far into the morning. Speeches were made by Former President William Howard Taft. Former Senator Chauncey M. Depew, Vance McCormick, who engineered President Wilson's last trip to the White House, and many others.
