
The Advance Line of the New Education.


The General Education Board, which has previously published the ideas of Dr. Abraham Flexner regarding the education of boys and girls, is now to join with Teachers College in putting those ideas into practice. Beginning next fall a number of children will take a course in experimental education of this particular type, for all education is, strictly speaking, an experiment.

Latin and Greek are to be discarded, but the older children are to be familiarized with ancient thought and literature through translations. Formal grammar will be dispensed with except as special need of it may be felt. The emphasis is to be on science and modern languages. A good deal of attention will be paid to the fine arts, not with the idea of training poets, musicians and painters, but in order that pupils may enjoy poetry, music and painting.

This is, approximately, the purpose in view, as we gather it from the announcements of Dr. Flexner and the ex-president of Harvard, Dr. Eliot. Such a purpose is comprehensible and its good points are apparent to anybody, whether or not he believes them sufficiently weighty to form the basis of a new education for youth after the present educational system shall have been swept away as faulty beyond amendment. The present system has not yet been over-thrown, but the attempt to construct a new one before destroying the existing scheme cannot be too highly praised.

The experiment to be tried on Morningside Heights, under the auspices of one of the strongest organizations in the world, will be watched with intense interest as it proceeds from theory to results. New York Sun.
