
Wrestlers Met in Novice Bouts

The novice wrestling meet for candidates for the University team was held in the Hemenway Gymnasium yesterday afternoon. Decision were obtained in every class except that for 158-pound men, which resulted in a tie between O. R. Lindesmith '17 and W. Herbit '19. This match was by far the most interesting and will be fought to a decision tomorrow afternoon. It is probable that cups will be awarded to the winners in each event.

The summary of the bouts follows:

115-pound class: M. J. Meyer '18 defeated L. S. Schwartz '18.

125-pound class: H. L. Efflinger '19 had no opponent.

135-pound class: R. W. Killam '19 defeated E. Efflinger '18.


145-pound class: H. G. Killam '18 defeated LeR. A. Head '19.

158-pound class: draw between O. R. Lindesmith '17 and W. Herbit '19.

175-pound class: S. Burnham '19 defeated E. H. Kelton '19.
