The first round of the scrub hockey series was completed yesterday afternoon except for one game which resulted in a tie and will be played off today. This drawn match was between the "Egg-Beaters" and the "Beagles" and the final score was 1 to 1. The most interesting game, however, was between the "Hard Guys" and the "Hard-Boiled Eggs." These two teams played in the finals of the series last year and yesterday, as then, the "Hard-Boiled Eggs" were the victors. The score was 1 to 0. In the other games played yesterday the "Independents" defeated the "Can't Be Beats" by the large score of 4 to 0; the "Trail-Hitters" won over "Sunday's Pets" by 3 to 2, and the "Gentlemen" scored two goals to one against the "A. P. S."
The second round will get well under way today when, besides the play-off between the "Beagles" and "Egg-Beaters," on the river at 3 o'clock, the "Independents" will oppose the "Hard-Boiled Eggs" in the Stadium at the same time. The winner of this match will meet the "Trail-Hitters" at 4 o'clock. Any team which is not on hand within 15 minutes of the time set for its game will be defaulted.
The following schedule of interdormitory hockey games has been arranged. None of the games will conflict with the practice of the Freshman or second teams:
January 18: Smith vs. Gore.
January 19: Smith vs. Standish.
January 22: Gore vs. Standish.
January 23: Gore vs. Smith.
January 24: Standish vs. Smith.
January 25: Standish vs. Gore.
The dormitory squads have been on the ice since last Monday and have been getting into condition slowly. They will compete for a large silver cup, presented last year by a graduate, and on which the names of the members of the winning teams will be inscribed. This cup was won last year by Smith Halls and that dormitory again appears to have the strongest team on the river.
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