The Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration offers a prize of $100 for the best essay on "International Arbitration" by an undergraduate man student of any college or university in the United States or Canada. The prize is given by Chester DeWitt Pugsley '09, of New York, N. Y., and the essays will be judged by ex-President William Howard Taft, Rear Admiral Austin M. Knight, and Professor A. K. Kuhn, of Columbia University. The contest closes on March 15.
The conditions of the contest are as follows:
Each essay should show an understanding of the nature and history of international arbitration apart from and in connection with the Hague Conferences and Hague Court, and may also refer to, or subject to the above requirement, emphasize such subjects as the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the proposed Judicial Arbitration Court, Good Offices and mediation and Commissions of Inquiry, as treated in the "Conventions for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes," adopted by the first and second Hague Conferences, and in the "Draft Convention Relative to the Creation of a Judicial Arbitration Court," agreed to by the second Hague Conference.
Each contestant is requested to append to his essay a list of works consulted, if possible with specific references.
The term "undergraduate student" applies to one who, in a college or scientific school, is doing the work prescribed for the degree of bachelor, or its technical equivalent.
Essays must not exceed 5,000 words (a length of 3,000 words is suggested as desirable) and must be written, preferably in typewriting, on one side only of plain paper of ordinary letter size.
Each essay should bear a nome deplume or arbitrary sign which should be included in an accompanying letter giving the writer's real name, college, class and home address. Both letter and essay should reach H. C. Phillips, secretary Lake Mohonk Conference, 3531 Fourteenth street, N. W., Washington, D. C., not later than March 15. Essays should be mailed flat.
The award of the prize will be made at the Lake Mohonk Conference in May, 1917, to which the winner will be invited.
For additional information, references, etc., address the secretary of the Conference.
The eighth Pugsley prize brought out 43 essays. The prize was won by George R. Fairlamb, Jr., a sophomore in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md. Mr. Fairlamb's essay is published by the Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration and can be obtained on application to the secretary. The next in order of merit were Ralph S. Underwood, of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn., second place; Charles M. Ross, of Eureka College, Eureka, Ill., and Summerfield Baldwin, 3d, '17, tying for third place.
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