

1920 Hockey Meets Academy Seven on School Rink.

HARVARD 1920  MILTON Cabot, r.w.  l.w., Page Emmons, r.c.  l.c., Humphrey Walker, l.c.  r.c., Cabot Trevor, l.w.  r.w., Johnson Stubbs, c.p.  c.p., Hamilton Church, p.  p., Hastings Louderback, g.  g., Lee

The Freshman hockey team which will face Milton Academy this afternoon is a greatly improved organization from that which was defeated by Arlington High last Saturday. The men have had regular practice on the Stadium rinks all this week and with the return of several disabled men to the squad the chances for a victory loom much brighter.

F. C. Church, Jr., '20 and J. Stubbs '20 are the two defence men in whom the Freshmen base their confidence. Both were unable to play against Arlington but both have been showing up well in practice. E. Cabot '20 who was made a regular only at the beginning of the week, has made such progress that Coach D. Duncan '17 has appointed him acting captain for today's game.

The Milton team is inexperienced and has had little chance to practice, but has three good men in Captain Humphrey and Page in the forward line, and Hamilton at coverpoint. On the whole, however, the Milton seven should not give the Freshmen as hard a game as last Saturday's.

Coach Duncan is taking 15 members of the squad with him to Milton. The men will leave Harvard square at 1 o'clock, taking a 1.30 train from the Back Bay Station.
