

Competition for Patent Office Examiner Will Start Today.

The examinations in the open competition for the position of assistant examiner in the Patent Office begin at the post-office, Boston, today and continue through to Friday. Certification will be made from the list of eligibles resulting from these examinations to fill the vacancies in this position as they occur, unless it is decided that it is to the interest of the service to fill any vacancy by reinstatement, transfer or promotion. The entrance salary for the position will be $1,500 a year and any citizen of the United States over 20 years of age is eligible.

The examinations are divided into three parts of six hours each and the tests will embrace the following subjects, the first two subjects being given today, the third and fourth tomorrow and the fifth and sixth on Friday.

(1) Physics, embracing a general college course.

(2) Mathematics, including one or two questions in algebra, plane and solid geometry, trigonometry, analytic and differential calculus.

(3) Technics, covering the general field of mechanics, industrial arts and processes, and applied chemistry.


(4) Inorganic chemistry; qualitative analysis and elementary organic.

(5) French or German.

(6) Mechanical drawing.

The United States Civil Service Commission specifies that applicants must be examined in the state or territory in which they reside, and must have been domiciled there for at least one year previous to the date of the examination.
