

With the end of the half year, many undergraduates are leaving the University to serve in the ambulance service of Europe. The number may reach forty. That is a good representation, reflecting well the spirit of Harvard.

It is not a small matter for a man to absolutely sever himself from his habitual mode of life--for any reason. These men are changing the whole course of their existence--in a manner that will change the course of their thoughts--for a cause which bears no close relation to their lives. They are following an inspiration. As such they are idealists, true to the cause of idealism in looking for a greater good beyond the present. In such sacrifices as they, and uncounted other young men in every nation, are making, may be seen something stupendous. War becomes more than the barbarian wrath of jealous government: It is something ennobling and grand.

Let us hope that they who leave us will find their service appreciated and their sacrifice rewarded. Let us hope that their idealistic dreams may not be shattered. They are loyal sons of their University and their nation. With such material to draw from, America cannot fail, however or whenever her hour of danger may come.
