Coach Winsor gave his hockey squad one of the hardest practices of the season yesterday afternoon, driving the men in a fast 30-minute scrimmage. The only scoring was a goal by G. A. Percy '18, who tallied on a pass from Baker. The entire scrimmage was ragged, however, for though both the regulars and substitutes showed speed and endurance and flashes of team play, their shooting and their passing were inaccurate.
The regulars forced the play but met such determined opposition from the defence of Team B, consisting of W. C. Appleton '17 and T. H. Eckfeldt '17, that they were unable to score frequently. The University backs, Captain Morgan and H. K. White '19 were even more effective and by playing up close behind their forward line frequently stropped the rushes of the substitutes before they had got started. The advantage throughout was with the backs, neither forward line being able to break up the defence.
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