Yesterday afternoon saw the second hard scrimmage for the University team this week. After a few minutes at the tackling dummies, and half an hour spent in special and individual work, and running through signals, Coach Guild's men were brought into the Stadium for a full hour's workout against the first squad. Most of this time was given to the trying out of new plays, team A retaining the ball throughout the greater part of the period. But the defensive work was not neglected, for the seconds were kept on the offensive for the last twenty minutes, in which period they secured only one first down.
Three touchdowns were scored by the University squad, Flower making the first on an intercepted forward pass, and carrying the ball 70 yards down the field for the score, before three minutes of the first period were up. Harte and Likins, who was substituted for him, each made another touchdown within the next twenty minutes, both carrying the ball over from the vicinity of the 30-yard line, on perfectly executed forward passes. During the succeeding fifteen minutes, nearly every man on the squad was sent in for a short time, and then the first line was sent in again, and kept on the defensive, with frequent changes, until darkness necessitated calling a halt.
J. M. Franklin '18 has joined the University squad as a centre candidate K. P. Culbert '17, who has been working with the ends, has been forced to give up practice because of a severe bone bruise in his leg.
The teams lined up yesterday as follows for the start:
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