Extensive plans are being made by the University Musical Clubs for what is expected to be one of the most successful seasons on record. In addition to the usual short concert trips to such cities as Providence, R. I., New York city, Manchester, N. H., Keene, N. H., Fall River, Springfield, Worcester and Portland, Me., and the numerous concerts in and around Boston, including the dual concerts with Princeton and with Yale at New Haven, on the evenings before the Princeton and Yale football games, the clubs will this year take their biennial winter trip--spending the entire Christmas recess on a tour through the South Atlantic states, reaching as far south as South Carolina, while it is possible that arrangements can be made to include Florida as well. These plans are of course subject to the approval of the Faculty.
The preliminary itinerary includes concerts in Philadelphia, Pa., Washington, D. C. Richmond, Va., Baltimore, Md., Pinehurst, N. C., Charleston, S. C., Columbia, S. C., with Jacksonville, Fla., Atlanta, Ga., and Knoxville, Tenn., as possibilities. Each concert is to be followed by a dance, and in almost every city visited the clubs will be entertained at the dances, dinners or smokers by the local Harvard Alumni, and, whenever possible, taken on sight-seeing trips through the surrounding country.
Fifty-two men will make the trip in two special Pullman cars carrying their own baggage with them, the three cars to remain coupled together throughout the entire trip.
Christmas at Pinehurst.
Christmas day will be spent at Pinehurst, N. C., where arrangements are already under way to provide for the entertainment of the clubs during their two-days stay.
The Glee Club will also take part in the Intercollegiate Club Contest to be held in Carnegie Hall, New York, early in March.
Trials to Begin Monday.
Trials for the three clubs will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and 3, and all members of the University, Freshmen and graduate students included, are eligible for membership. Candidates for the Glee Club should report at the Glee Club Room in the Music Building, and for the mandolin and banjo clubs, at Matthews 6, either evening at 7 o'clock. All candidates are expected to bring a solo. Men playing any of the following instruments are desired by the Instrumental Clubs: mandolin, mandola, mando-bass, guitar, cello, violin, banjo, banjeaurine, ukelele, clarinet and traps. Except in the case of men of unusual ability, however, all candidates for the mandolin and banjo clubs will be required to play two Instruments, so that they may play with both clubs. Pianists who desire to try for the position of accompanist of the Glee Club, and men who can give clever and humorous monologues or stunts are also desired by the Glee Club and should report at the Music Building Monday or Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. All members of last year's clubs are also expected to report to their leaders at the time of the trials
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