

In another column is printed the complete announcement of the new course on Military Science and Tactics. The number of officers detailed to the University by the War Department will depend entirely upon the size of the enrollment in this course. To those members of the Senior Class who have attended one summer camp and who were members of the Regiment last year, attendance in this course will make them eligible for the rank of second lieutenant in the reserve army. Seniors who served in the Regiment last year and who satisfactorily complete this course will be entitled to the same rank in the reserve army after they have attended one summer camp, either next summer or the summer following. The usual requirement of the War Department is attendance at three summer camps and the satisfactorily passing of the examination for a second lientenancy. A further advantage of "Military Science and Tactics" is that it may be counted for a degree by any undergraduate who is physically fit, save in the case of Freshmen, who must first obtain the consent of Captain Cordier and the approval of the Faculty.

Enough has been said on the subject of "Preparedness" during the last few months to make further comment superfluous, but unquestionably the most logical way for the Harvard undergraduate to "do his bit" is to enrol in "Military Science and Tactics 1."
