The Union assumes its normal running order beginning this noon. The dining room has been opened since Saturday, and today the reading room, library and billiard rooms will be opened.
The regular schedule of meals will be observed, breakfast from 7.30 to 12 o'clock, luncheon from 12 to 2, and dinner from 6 to 8. The price for single luncheons and dinners will be 50 and 75 cents respectively. Regular board will be eight dollars a week.
The Union will be opened to all members of the University for one week. Those who are already members will continue as such, unless they sign off.
The committee which has been working on plans for a swimming pool in the Union has announced that the idea must be given up for the present, owing to the increased cost of the pool. The first estimate gave $16,000 as the probable cost; $10,000 of this was available from the gymnasium fund raised several years ago. To raise the additional $6,000 would have been a comparatively easy matter, but when the announcement was made that the pool would cost more than $25,000, the committee decided that it was too much of a proposition to assume just now.
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