

The fact that the University is opening on time is proof that the danger from the infantile paralysis epidemic in Cambridge is negligible. Were conditions otherwise, neither the medical nor the College authorities would have allowed over five thousand men to assemble today.

The special blanks which all must fill out are simply to insure the entire University against a possible case coming from the outside. It is a precautionary measure which will inconvenience none, and will exclude the remotest chance of infection. To render the measure of any value, it is of the greatest importance that each man give exactly and correctly the information that is required. Otherwise the blanks will have the value of waste paper, and a necessary precaution against a serious epidemic will fall to have been taken.

Two new courses in government which are of particular interest in connection with the present war are to be given by Professor Dupriez of the University of Louvain. Government 24 deals with the comparative administration of the continental powers now at war, and Government 27 with the executive power in Central Europe. These courses do not appear in the old elective pamphlet, and for this reason might be overlooked.
