The following assignment of recitation rooms indicates the places for the first meetings in courses of study offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. For the days and hours when the courses are given, see pamphlet entitled "Announcement of the Courses of Instruction," second edition, September, 1916. There will be no meetings in any courses before Wednesday at 9 o'clock. Students are required to enroll at the first meetings.
Prescribed Studies.
German A, Wednesday, September 27, New Lecture Hall, 1.05 P. M.
French A, Wednesday, September 27, Emerson D, 3.30 P. M.
English D, Tuesday, October 3, Sever 11, 1.05 P. M.
English A, Friday, September 29, New Lecture Hall, 1.05 P. M.
Elective Studies.
For all courses of research for which no hours are stated consult the Instructors. English 18, 22, 54, Sever 11English 28, Upper Mass.English 29, Sever 86English 31, Sever 17English 41, Emerson DEnglish 47, 47a, Lower Mass.English 62, 67, Warren HouseFine Arts 1a, 1c, 2a, 2b, 5c, 5f, 5k, 8c, 9a, Fogg Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 1b hf, Sept. 27, 11 A. M., Sever 37Fine Arts 1f, 2f, 2g, 3a, 4a, 10a, 10b RobinsonFine Arts 2c, Sever 37Fine Arts 5e, Widener Memorial Rm.Forestry, all courses at Harvard Forest, Petersham, Mass.French 1I, V, VI, Sept. 28, 12 M., Sever 35French 1II, III, IV, Sept. 28, 11 A. M., Sever 35French 2I-V, 10 A. M., Harvard 1French 2VI-X, 11 A. M., Sever 35French 2XI, XII, 1.30 P. M., Sever 35French 3, Sever 29French 4, 16, Sever 19French 6, Emerson DFrench 7, 9, Sever 23French 13, 14, Widener YFrench 18hf, Sever 1French 21, Sever 31French 23hf, Sept. 29, 3.30 P. M., Sever 23 (Provisional Hour)Geology 1, 4, 7, Geol. Mus. Lect.-Rm.Geology 10, Pierce 103Geology 12, Sept. 27, 2.30 P. M., Geol. Mus. 24Geology 16, Sept. 29, 9 A. M. Geol. Mus. 23Geology 18, Sept. 29, 4.30 P. M., Min. Lab.German B, F, Sever AGerman 1aI, II, Sept. 27, 9 A. M., Sever 2German 1a, III, IV, Sept. 27, 10 A. M., Sever 6German 1b, 1c, Sever 32German 2a, 12a, 21, Emerson HGerman 2bI Sever 17German 2bII Sever 36German 2c, 4, 20a, 29, Sever 17German 3, 26a, Sever 6German 8, Sever 29German 18, Sever 8German 20b, Widener BGerman 25, Harvard 2Government 1, New Lect. HallGovernment 4, Harvard 6Government 6a, Harvard 2Government 9, Sever 35Government 10, 11, Upper Mass.Government 12, Sever 11Government 15, Harvard 3Government 17, Harvard 5Government 19, Sever 7Government 20e, Oct. 2, 4 P. M., Sever 7Government 31, Pierce 110Greek A, 1a, 6, 7hf, 8, 10, Sever 26Greek BI, Sept. 27, 10 A. M., Sever 30Greek BII, Sept. 28, 11 A. M., Sever 30Greek E hf, G, Sever 29Greek 2, Sever 30Greek 3 hf, Sever 14Greek 10, Harvard 1History 1, New Lect. HallHistory 2, 9, Harvard 5History 4, Sever 14History 5, 26, Sever 7History 10a, 32a, Sever 11History 11, 16, 19, 33, Harvard 3History 12, 14, Sever 36History 15, Sever 6History 17chf, 57, 59, Emerson JHistory 21, 23chf, 25hf, Widener JHistory 23a, Widener 417History 24, Sem. Mus. 2History 27, 29, Sever 9History 30a, Harvard 6History 35, Sever 13History 46hf, 1154 Boylston St., BostonHistory 55, Harvard 2History A1, A3, A5, Andover Bldg.History of Religions 9, Div. Lib.History of Science 1, Harvard 6Hygiene and Sanitation 2, Pierce 212Indio Philology 9, Emerson AAll other courses in Sever 21.Italian 1, Sever 2Italian 5, Sever 14Italian 10, Sever 19Landscape Architecture, all courses in Robinson.Latin A, E hf, 3 hf, 6, Sever 13Latin BI, II, Sept. 27, 11 A. M., Sever 18Latin BIII, Sept. 28, 12 M., Sever 18Latin 1, Sever 18Latin 2a, 7hf, 8, 12, 15, Sever 14Mathematics AI Pierce 202Mathematics AII, Pierce 304Mathematics AIII, 2II, Pierce 209Mathematics C, K, 4, 5, Sever 24Mathematics E, Sever 36Mathematics 2I, Harvard 5Mathematics 3, 8, 10a, 12, 13, 16a, 19a, 22a, 25, 26, 27, 36, Sever 20Meteorology and Climatology 2, 5, Geol. Mus. 43Military Art 1, Sept. 28, 1.30 P. M., Emerson DMinerology and Petrography 2, Pierce 103Minerology and Petrography 7, Sept. 27, 4.30 P. M., Mineral Lab.Minerology and Petrography 12, Mineral Lab.Minerology and Petrography 14, Sept. 29, 4.30 P. M. Mineral Lab.Music, all courses in the Music Building.Philosophy, A, C, Emerson DPhilosophy 2, Emerson JPhilosophy 3, Emerson 27Philosophy 4, 12, Emerson APhilosophy 5a hf, 13a, Emerson FPhilosophy 7, 17a, Div. Lib.Philosophy 8a, 9, 11, 25, 26, Emerson HPhilosophy 24, Sem. Mus. 2Philosophy A7, Andover LibraryPsychology 1, Emerson DPsychology 2, Emerson APsychology 7a, 10, 15, 23, Emerson 27Psychology 10a, Psychological LaboratoryPsychology 12, Oct. 5, 2.30 P. M. Emerson 23Psychology 24, consult Dr. Troland, Emerson 24Physics B, Sept. 27, 12 M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 1Physics C, Sept. 28, 12 M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 1Physics 1, Sept. 30, 12 M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 3.Physics 2, 5, Sept. 28, 9 A. M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 25.Physics 3, Jeff. Phys. Lab. 26Physics 4b, 15; Cruft LaboratoryPhysics 6a, Jeff. Phys. Lab. 25Physics 9, Jeff. Phys. Lab. 22Physics 12a, Jeff. Phys. Lab. 24Romance Philology 3, Sever 2Romance Philology 4, Sever 19Romance Philology 7, Sever 31Scandinavian 1, Widener BSemitic E, 9, Sem. Mus. 2Semitic 2, 13, 14, Sem. Mus. 3Semitic 4, 16, 17, Sem. Mus. 1Semitic 8, 10, 11, 18, 19, 22, 23 hf, 24 hf, consult the Instructors.Slavic 1a, Sever ASlavic 1b, Sever 13Slavic 2a, 2b, 3a, Sept. 27, 2.30 P. M. Sever 8Slavic 4, Sever 5Social Ethics 1, 4, Emerson JSocial Ethics 5, Emerson FSocial Ethics 15, consult Professor Foerster.Spanish 1, Sept. 27, 1.05 P. M. Emerson DSpanish 2, Sever 6Spanish 3, Oct. 3, 1.30 P. M. Sever 29Spanish 4hf, Sever 8Spanish 5, Sever 29Spanish 7, Sever 14Spanish 9 hf, Oct. 2, 12 M., Sever 29Zoology 1, Zool. Lab., Rm. 12Zoology 4, 12, 14b, 17, Zool. Lab., Rm. 46Zoology 8, Pierce 311Zoology 10, Sept. 27, 10 A. M., Zool. Lab., Rm. 1
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