

List of Changes to be Announced in New Elective Pamphlet Printed Below.

Following are changes in courses which have been made since the first edition of the elective pamphlet appeared. The second edition, which will probably appear on Wednesday, will be corrected for these changes. In order to avoid possible confusion, students must consult this table before handing in their study cards.

The pressure of business in the office of Professor Quesada necessitates his postponing his courses until the second half-year, with other changes in the courses in Latin-American history. In this department Dr. Klein offers two courses in the first half-year. Professor W. S. Tower '03, of the University of Chicago, will give two new courses, one on South American geography and the other on economics geography.

Several of the courses in philosophy are readjusted because of the death of Professor Royce and the inability of the Hon. Bertrand Russell to fulfill his engagement.

Several courses are omitted this year, and the times of others are changed.

New Courses Given this Year.


ENGLISH F. English Composition. Special instruction. Conferences at hours to be assigned.

Students who have been relieved of regular prescription of composition, but whose writing is found to be unsatisfactory, may be required by the Committee on the Use of English by Students to take Course F. The course cannot be counted for a degree.

SPANISH 9 hf. Spanish Composition and Conversation. Half-course. Twice a week Mr. HUSBANDS (University of Santiago de Chile).

Open to students who have passed in Spanish 8 or have done equivalent work.

Course 9 is conducted in Spanish.

Students intending to take the course are advised to consult Professor J. D. M. Ford.

FINE ARTS: 8d hf. Theory of Design. Half-course (second half-year). Monday, Wednesday and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, 9 to 11. Assistant Professor POPE.

Fine Arts 8a or its equivalent is required for admission to this course.

ASTRONOMY 4. Theoretical Astronomy. Introduction to Celestial Mechanics; Determination of Orbits. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 10. Dr. STETSON.

Course 4 requires a knowledge of the Differential and Integral Calculus, and is open to students who have taken Mathematics 2.
