
H. A. A. and Season Tickets on Sale

Football season tickets, admitting to all football games played on Soldiers Field by the University team, except that with Princeton are on sale to members of the University and the public at the following places: In Cambridge at the Co-operative main and branch stores, Amee's, Brine's, Wright and Ditson's, and Leavitt and Pierce's, and in Boston at Filene's, Wright and Ditson's, Wm. A. Read and the Harvard Club. The price is $3 each.

H. A. A. tickets which admit owners to all contests on Soldiers Field except the baseball games with Princeton and Yale, and the football game with Princeton, and to membership in either the Weld or Newell Boat Club upon registering at the boat house and paying the required locker fee, are now on sale to members of the University at Leavitt and Peirce and the H. A. A., at $5 each.

A limited number of tickets admitting to the season ticket stand will be on sale to holders of H. A. A. and season tickets.
