


The CRIMSON competitions, two for Sophomores and one for Juniors, will be held during the first half-year. Members of the class of 1919 wishing to compete for the positions of second assistant business managers should report at the CRIMSON Office on Monday morning at 8.30 o'clock. At this time the duties of the competition will be explained and work will immediately begin. Anyone wishing detailed information in advance should apply to the business manager in the CRIMSON building at any time.

In the present competition three positions on the business staff are open to the Sophomore class. The men taken on the board will become assistant business managers in their Junior year and one will become business manager in his Senior year. The competitive work required consists mainly in securing subscriptions and advertisements with general business efficiency as a recognized factor. Men in this competition not only come in intimate contact with undergraduate life, but gain a large amount of practical experience from their business relations with firms in Boston, New York, and other cities.

The competitions for the other two departments of the CRIMSON will begin a week from Monday. About six positions on the news staff are open to Sophomores, probably three of which will be filled this fall. All members of the class of 1919 who wish to enter this contest will report in the office on Monday evening, October 2, at 7 o'clock. The Managing Editor will then explain the duties of the candidates, which consist mainly of the gathering and "writing-up" of University news. The competition requires no previous journalistic training, and is especially valuable in furnishing an opportunity for building up a wise and intimate knowledge of the University. The Freshman competition will not start until February.

The editorial competition open to Juniors only, will commence at the same time. All candidates must report to the editorial chairman, who will outline the work. Probably one or two will be elected to the board at the end of the competition.
