

Opportunity Offered to go to Fort Ethan Allen with U. S. Regulars.

Ten recruits are needed for the Machine Gun Co., 8th Infantry, M.V.M. Exceptional advantages are offered in this very interesting and useful branch of the service, in that the company will go to Fort Ethan Allen with two other machine gun organizations on July 9 and work for two weeks with the U. S. Army regulars. Men with previous experience are preferred, since those in this type of work are trained infantrymen, but raw men will be accepted. They will be given a thorough training in infantry work, in addition to preliminary machine gun drill.

It is especially desired that men enrolled for the Senior Camp should join if possible, but a transfer may be effected for men enrolled for the Junior Camp, so that they may go to Fort Ethan Allen.

R. T. Whistler '16, D. Duncan '17, and H. G. Reynolds '17 will hold office hours in the Flying Corps Headquarters, 1280 Massachusetts avenue, today from 9 to 1 o'clock, and tomorrow from 12 to 2, to sign up possible recruits.
