
Morning Prayers

The Reverend William Rivers Taylor, D.D., pastor of the Brick Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N. Y., will conduct morning prayers in Appleton Chapel this morning and every morning this week at 8.45 o'clock.

The preacher conducting morning prayers will be at Wadsworth House 1 every morning during his term of service from 9 to 11 o'clock to meet any members of the University who wish to see him.

Organ Recitals at 9 o'clock.

Following morning prayers every week-day during the examination period, Dr. A. T. Davison '06 will give an organ recital in Appleton Chapel, lasting not later than 9.10 o'clock, allowing those who have examinations time to reach them. The following programs will be rendered: Today. Scherzo,  Becker Toccata and Fugue in D minor,  Bach Tomorrow. Largo,  Handel March from "The Queen of Sheba,"  Gounod
