
Final Examinations Continue

Government 4: Albiza-y-Campos to Johnson (inclusive)  Sever 35 Kaplan to Yin (inclusive),  Sever 36 Greek B II,  Sever 30 Greek 11,  Sever 30 History 7,  Div. Lib. 3 History 12: Abernethy to Gray (inclusive),  Emerson A Green to Whitney (inclusive),  Emerson F Italian 1,  Sever 24 Italian 10,  Lower Mass. Mathematics C: Professor Bocher's Section 1,--Albright to Preston,  Sever 17 Rand to Wortley,  Sever 18 Dr. Kircher's section 2,  Sever 18 Mr. Murphy's section 3,  Sever 19 Mr. Hopkins's section 4,  Sever 20 Mathematics 2, II: Anderson to Weinberg (inclusive),  Sever 23 Whittemore to Woodbury (inclusive),  Sever 24 Mineralogy 12,  Univ. Mus. 9 Philosophy 9,  Emerson D Physics 17,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Psychology 8,  Emerson J Scandinavian 2,  Sever 11 Tomorrow. Anthropology 15 hf.,  Sever 18 Chemistry 4,  Lower Mass. Comp. Literature 11,  Sever 29 Economics 3,  Harvard 6 Economics 11,  Harvard 3 Economics 23,  Harvard 2 Education 9,  Harvard 2 English 16,  Harvard 2 English 61,  Sever 17 Fine Arts 2g hf.,  Robinson Hall French 5,  Lower Mass. Geology 18,  Sever 29 German H, II,  Sever 30 German 15,  Sever 30 Government 17,  Harvard 5 Greek E hf.,  Sever 30 History 55 hf.,  Emerson A Indic. Philology 1b,  Harvard 2 Mathematics D: Anderson to Kenney (inclusive),  Sever 18 Meyer to Wood (inclusive),  Sever 23 Mathematics 15,  Sever 23 Psychology A: Abernethy to Harvey (inclusive),  Emerson D Haskell to Luessenhop (inclusive),  Emerson J Lurie to Swope (inclusive),  Upper Mass. Taylor to Zukoski (inclusive),  Lower Mass. Psychology 5,  Emerson J
