


By defeating the Tigers 5 to 1 on Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon the University baseball team made a decided leap towards the winning of the triangular collegiate championship series between Harvard; Princeton, and Yale. This game virtually shatters all hope of the New Jersey team's winning the coveted honor, as it has dropped three games of the series already, two to the University and one to Yale.

Saturday's victory was chiefly due to the air-tight pitching of Mahan, coupled with the errorless support and opportune hitting of his team-mates. The University twirler was decidedly stingy with his hits, allowing but six well-scattered ones and whiffing nine of the opposing batsmen. In addition he headed off a dangerous rally of the opposing team by a spectacular barehanded stop of Hoyt's sizzling grounder just in time to stop Lee at the plate. Hoyt's contribution, as it was with only one man down, would undoubtedly have gone for a clean bingle had not Mahan gotten in the way of it and thus would have tied up the score and given Princeton a good opportunity to get across a few more tallies. Besides his steady box-work and brilliant fielding, the University pitcher also divided batting honors with his hard-hitting battery mate, Harte, the former getting two pretty safeties out of four times up and the latter lacing out a homer in the ninth with one on and a clean single in the fourth which was the first hit for his team. The support which the nine gave Mahan was flawless. Both Reed and Abbot made difficult stops which with other fielders might have gone for hits.

The defence of the Tigers was also good with the exception of Shea's muff of Tibbott's throw which cost a run in the fourth, and Lee's failure to judge Coolidge's hit later in the game. Lee carried off the batting honors of his team, getting a pretty single and a smashing three-base hit past left field.

Abbot Scored in Fourth.

Up until the fourth each side was retired in order, no one getting beyond the initial sack. In the University's half of the fourth the scoring began. Nash was out on a grounder down the first base line. Abbot drew a walk and Harte, the next man up, sent him around to third on a clean bingle past second. Mahan flied out to Tibbott. Then Beal came through with a slashing grounder between first and second, which allowed Abbot to go home at a walk and Harte to reach third base. Tibbott's throw to third to catch the latter was low and Shea lost it, allowing Harte to score easily.


Princeton's only tally came in the next inning after Mahan had walked Law and Thompson. With two down Tibbott singled to center and Coolidge was unable to get the ball back in time to catch Law at the plate. Another rally in the eighth, however, almost succeeded in evening up the count. Lee led off with a pretty triple to left field which rolled way past Knowles. Tibbott was out on a ground ball to short. Then Hoyt smashed what looked to be a clean hi through the pitcher's box, but by a brilliant stop Mahan managed to head it off and throw it to Harte in time to catch Lee between third and home. Driggs drew a base on balls, but Douglas filed out to Coolidge and the Tigers' chances evaporated.

Three Runs in Eighth.

In its half of the eighth the University continued the aggressive tactics of the Princeton nine. Coolidge lined out a safety to left and took second when Lee failed to field to cleanly. Nash sent a pretty clout over second and Coolidge scored the third tally. With one down and Nash on second, Harte lifted one to deep right which turned into a home-run when Tibbott failed to judge it properly. Beal and Knowles were both disposed of and the scoring stopped. Princeton was still unable to solve Mahan's delivery in the opening of the ninth and the game closed with the University the victor for the second time.

The summary:

HARVARD    a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e.Coolidge, c.f.  3  1  1  3  0  0Nash, 1b.  4  1  1  6  0  0Abbot, 2b  2  1  0  4  2  0Harte, c.  4  2  2  10  1  0Mahan. p.  4  0  2  0  3  0Beal, 3b.  4  0  1  0  1  0Knowles, l.f.  4  0  1  3  0  0Percy, r.f.  2  0  0  1  0  0Reed, s.s.  2  0  0  0  3  0Total  29  5  8  27  10  0PRINCETON    a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e.Lee, l.f.  4  0  2  0  0  1Tibbott, r.f.  4  0  1  3  0  0Hoyt, c.f.  4  0  0  5  0  0Driggs, s.s.  2  0  1  0  0  0Douglas, c.  4  0  0  2  1  0Shea, 3b.  4  0  0  2  3  1Scully, 1b.  4  0  1  11  0  0Law, 2b.  3  1  1  1  2  0Thompson, p.  2  0  0  0  3  0*Tully,  0  0  0  0  0  0**O'Kane  1  0  0  0  0  0Total,  32  1  6  24  9  
