

First Trial of Haines Stroke on Four-Mile Course to be Made on Thames.

The University and Freshman crew squads leave for Red Top, Conn., their spring training quarters, today. The whole aggregation numbers 48. Everything has been made ready at the camp, and the first spin will take place immediately upon their arrival. The coaching launches have been sent down and are ready to do work. The special car, which takes the men to the Back Bay station to catch the 1 o'clock train, leaves Harvard square at 12.20 o'clock.

The crew has been developing rapidly of late, and the river Thames will offer the best of opportunities for further improvement. The Haines stroke will there be tried out for its first four-mile stretch, and it is with considerable confidence that the coaches await the result. The departure from the Wray system which failed so hopelessly last year is one which is sure to bring interesting results. What the time trials will show is something to be looked forward to with impatience. A time trial, though governed to a large degree by weather conditions, can yet yield valuable information if subjected to careful analysis.

New Outdoor Dining Hall.

A new open-air dining hall has been added to the camp at Red Top for the use of the University crew and Coach Herrick has had a small house erected in quarters for his private use. Another improvement is an addition to the boathouse which permits about three more shells to be stored therein.
