By hard and timely hitting the University baseball team has brought up its batting average from .239 to .247 during the last five or six games. The fielding average, however, has gone down appreciably, from .956 to .946. Harte continues to head the list with the high average of .400, while Coolidge, Mahan, and Beal, all regulars, are well up in the .300 class. Up to date the team has drawn 96 bases on balls. Abbot heads the run-getters with a total of 21 trips across the plate and Coolidge leads in pilfered bases with 12. Coolidge as lead-off man also is first in drawing passes with 13 free trips to his credit.
Of the pitchers Whitney has a perfect record with 6 wins and no defeats. Mahan comes next with seven games won and one lost, the defeat being at the hands of Catholic University during the southern trip. Garritt follows Mahan with three victories, one set-back and one tie game, his defeat being in the second Brown game and the tie game against Virginia.
The individual batting averages of the nine are: Harte, .400; Coolidge, .359; Mahan, .353; Harrison, .333; Beal, .306; Abbot, .259; Knowles, .250; Garritt, .234; Percy, .215; Nash, .215; Fripp, .179.
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