Prizes amounting to $2,000 have been offered by the Society for Electrical Development of New York for the best posters on Electricity. All artists, art students, and undergraduates of any American college or university are eligible to compete for these prizes.
In addition to $2,000 in prizes, the society's poster committee will act as an agency in disposing of many of the best originals to electrical companies, for use in their own special campaigns. The purpose of the competition is to obtain an appropriate emblem for the celebration of America's Electrical Week December, 2-9, 1916. During this celebration electrical parades, pageantry, shows and special illuminations will be held in the leading cities of the western hemisphere.
While the society will use only the Grand Prize design in advertising the celebration, a stimulus is given to wide participation in the competition by special prizes for artists, art students, and undergraduates. There is a second prize of $500 and another of $300 for that design which is a public choice. Votes of visitors to the exhibitions will betaken to determine the latter. These exhibitions will be held in Boston, New York, Pittsburgh, and Chicago. For the best poster on the advantages of electric light, heat, and power submitted by an art student, the society will award $200, and another $200 will be divided into prizes for the five best designs submitted by high school pupils.
The competition closes this week. All designs must be received by this time at the executive offices of The Society for Electrical Development, 29 West 39th Street, New York, N. Y.
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