School and college work in all its phases will be discussed at the annual meeting of the National Educational Association which will open in New York July 3. It is expected that some fifty thousand educators will be present. United States Commissioner of Education Claxton will outline a "National Program of Education," and former President W. H. Taft will take as his topic "Is There Waste in Education?"
Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo, Chinese Minister to the United States, will talk of education in his native country, and Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield will discuss industrial education. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, will speak on the relation of the American school to the workingman.
Others who will have places on the program will be Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma, William J. Bryan, Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, President Charles R. VanHise of the University of Wisconsin, President John R. Kirk of the State Normal School at Kirksville, Mo., and President G. Stanley Hall of Clark University, Worcester.
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