

Purpose of Expedition is to Find Specimens and Study Natives.

Dr. J. C. Tello '11, G. K. Noble '17, and Dr. L. S. Moss will leave New York for Paita, Peru, in about ten days on a South American expedition for the University Museum of Comparative Zoology. From Paita they will travel on mules across the Andes, and into the Amazon valley. The purpose of the expedition is to collect zoological specimens and to study the native tribe of Guarani Indians. Dr. Tello, who holds the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Berlin, will make anthropological investigations and study the language of the Indians, while Dr. Moss will study diseases and their causes. Mr. Noble will have charge of the zoological work.

Each member of the party has been to South America at different times before on expeditions of a similar nature, and has had wide experience. Dr. Moss has made several trips to South America and Dr. Tello was a member of a Harvard Medical School expedition. This will be Mr. Noble's second trip to South America for the Museum of Comparative Zoology, his first one having been in 1914. He has also been on expeditions to the coast of Labrador and other points for the University, and they have all resulted in notable achievements.
