(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
It is interesting to note that the Ford Peace Expedition was not successful in gathering all of the "cranks"; for by the appearance in the CRIMSON on Monday morning of a communication concerning "The Political Fame of Henry Ford," it was readily seen that one of the "unbalanced" had been left behind.
How can any fair-minded person conclude that the fact "that Henry Ford received thirty-two votes on the first ballot for Republican nominee is a national joke (or disgrace) that should not pass without comment"? Surely such a conclusion should not pass without comment. The author fails completely in his effort to grasp the significance of the expression given by the votes of the delegates from Michigan and Nebraska. He sees but one side of the preparedness movement,--the military; while the delegates from Michigan and Nebraska were able to see the other side,--the economic. And Henry Ford, above all others, stands for an economic preparedness. Mr. Ford has made innovations which bid fair to revolutionize all industry, one of which was the establishment of a profit-sharing plan for his employes involving a distribution of about $17,000,000 annually. He has also established a minimum wage of $5.00 a day throughout all his factories, domestic and foreign, which has brought him to the front of employers of labor. His remarkable way of dealing with the many thousands of men in his employ has won him a foremost position as a practical sociologist. His interest in prison reform has led him to offer jobs in his factories to men just out of prison, and he now employs 600 ex-convicts from Sing Sing prison.
I believe that those delegates were in favor of Mr. Ford as the Presidential nominee because they were desirous of making known their sympathies with the movement which Mr. Ford represents. It is very probable that the ideas of an inventive genius, such as the man who received thirty-two votes on the first ballot for Republican nominee, will be much in demand at the close of "civilization's fight for self-preservation." Respectfully, D. E. HUDSON 1L.
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