One of the features of the rally of the Greater Boston Council of Boy Scouts to be held in the Stadium Saturday will be a country circus, to be presented by picked troops who have shown unusual originality in providing entertainment of a ludicrous nature. There will be an exhibition parade, the boys to be dressed as clowns, and there will be numerous cages containing stuffed animals performing tricks that circus animals have never been trained to do.
The circus is but one of a dozen or more examples of original work that the boys will demonstrate for the first time before a large audience. The trek cart contests will illustrate the great value of this invention in boy scout equipment. Five troops will take part in it, each troop to enter a cart and a team of ten scouts, eight on the rope and two to steer. The teams will start on a given line and run seventy yards. The carts will then be converted into tables and benches, and after a few more details they will be assembled and drawn twenty feet to the finish line, the team crossing the line first winning.
The committee in charge is busy distributing seats according to applications.
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