

The conference of the Federation of International Polity Clubs, to be held at Western Reserve University from June 21 to July 1, is a significant and timely event. Its purpose, "to create an enlightened public opinion on a sound foreign policy," is peculiarly interesting in these days, when few know just what our foreign policy is, many suspect that we have none. The list of speakers at the gathering,--Professor Hart, Secretary of War Baker, Senator La Fontaine of Belgium, and others,--is sufficient evidence that this year's conference will be decidedly worth while. Graduates and undergraduates of all the colleges are asked to co-operate by taking part, and Harvard should take a decided interest in the meeting, as it has in other forms of preparedness. We need most desperately to take stock of ideas and policies, as well as artillery and ships; we should make ready for the field of diplomacy, as well as for the field of war.

College men are needed in international politics, as well as in politics at home, and the International Polity Clubs are a step in the right direction. Their slogan is not the cry of "Peace at any price." Peace with honor arrived at through a saner kind of international relationship is what they most desire. It is only through broad-minded and intelligent discussion, such as the present conference offers, that a full knowledge of our foreign policies can be gained.

Undergraduates of the University who are going west this summer would do well to stop off at Cleveland to be present at the meeting there. So far a discouragingly small delegation, five, have signified their intention of attending. So notable an event is worthy of a far larger representation in order that Harvard may learn to play the role it ought to play on the international stage.
