
Meredith Finished Third in 440

In the open handicap track and field games held at Stamford, Conn., Saturday, T. E. Meredith, of the University of Pennsylvania, who recently established a world's quarter-mile record at the Intercollegiates, finished third in the 440yard dash. The race was won by H. I. Treadway, of Yale, with an 8-yard handicap, in 52 2-5 seconds. J. Nicholson, of the Loughlin Lyceum, New York, was second, having a 16-yard handicap. Meredith was scratch man and since the field was a large one, he had to circle it completely to get near the leaders.

J. D. Nagel, of Yale, was second in the pole-vault with a vault of 11 feet 6 inches.
