


Red Top, Conn., June 11, 1916.-Sunday was a day of rest for the University and Freshman eights, for the first and second University crews embarked in Coach Herrick's yacht, "Gypsey," and crossed over to Fisher's Island, when a large bonfire was built. Lunch was served on the island, the crews returning at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

The Freshmen, however, were not beaten in any way by the senior members of the camp, for the 70-foot yacht "Needle" was brought into play to transport the 1919 men to the other end of Fisher's Island. They also spent the day there, and on the way home assisted in extinguishing a slight blaze on the launch "Raccoon" which was in danger of being destroyed. Red Top also furnishes training for firemen.

J. F. Linder '19 left for home today with an infected hand, and C. B. Richards, Jr., '19 has taken his place at 3 on the Freshman eight. Another change was made in this crew yesterday, when F. B. Whitman '19 was sent to 6, and G. L. Batchelder, Jr., '19 came back to 2. The Freshman eight is showing excellent form, and although Linder's loss will be felt, he will not be permanently absent from the boat.

The first official time trial of the first University crew was made yesterday, when under ideal weather conditions with an ebb tide of about two hours and a following wind of ten knots, four miles were covered in 19 minutes, 43 seconds, which beats the Yale time by over a minute. The second University paced Crew A over the first two miles and nosed out a victory, but C. C. Lund '16 was saving his men for the last half, as the Freshmen were waiting to give them a race over the last lap. The 1919 boat was going along at a high stroke and would probably have finished ahead, but in the last drive a submerged log was struck, which allowed the University crew to cross the line first with record-breaking time.

University A showed a distinct check in its stroke when rowing at a low stroke, but when Lund raised the pace, some very smooth rowing was seen. The second crew had a great advantage in wind because of their position, but the showing which these eight men made was remarkable. The swing of this second crew was in perfect unison and R. R. Brown '17 at stroke paced a splendid two-miler.


The Yale crews today also had a vacation, taking passage on the yachts "Lavarona" and "Margaret" and spending the day in cruising about. The Yale university crew yesterday did a mile down-stream in 4 minutes, 44 3-5 seconds, and appeared to be under no strain, although the new combination on this eight has not yet come into the harmony which will be necessary before June 23.
