

Developing Field Event Men.

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Nowadays one continually hears the question asked: "Why does Cornell turn out such superior teams to ours?" The answer generally given is that Cornell gets many preparatory school stars, and that consequently their teams automatically round into form. As a matter of fact, Cornell gets no more good schoolboy stars than any other college of like size. The real solution lies in the spirit which gets men out and makes them interested in working for their college. It is foolish to say that Harvard has no track material. Out of the 1100 odd men who are eligible for teams there must certainly be a fair percentage of men who are capable of being developed into point-winners, at least in the dual meets. Experience has proved again and again that practice alone, without any previous ability, can develop men who are capable of winning points against Cornell and Yale.

There is not a single "H" man returning to college next fall who has won his letter in the field events and there is only one "H" man in the hurdles. Yale is hardly better off; they lose first-place men in four of the field-events. We were beaten this year because we were pitifully weak in the weights and jumps. Now we start again on an even footing with Yale and there is absolutely no reason why we should not develop men just as fast as they do, unless it be the fact that Harvard men are simply too lazy to come out and win their "H".

If men will signify their desire, the management will have hammers, shots, or hurdles sent to their homes for summer work.


Let us start now to see if we cannot do something to change a field-event record in which Yale scored 31 1-3 out of a possible 40 points. E. A. TESCHNER '17, Captain.   T. CLARK '17, Manager.
