Complete eligibility rules regarding athletics in the University, Yale, and Princeton have been adopted by the athletic committees of the three universities. The underlying object of the regulations is to keep out the spirit of professionalism without hampering the men by mere technical rules. Through out the negotiations Dean Briggs has represented the University, Professor R. N. Corwin has been Yale's delegate, and Dean Howard MacClenahan has been Princeton's representative.
Each university will have its Committee on Eligibility, which will be left free to manage its own local affairs. Questions of interpretation and enforcement of the rules, however, may be submitted to the Committee of the Chairmen. The latter committee will be composed of the three chairmen of the local Committees on Eligibility.
The complete text of the agreement follows:
"With a view to keeping the spirit and the associations of professionalism out of college sports without the unreasonable hampering of them by the mere letter of rules, and with a view to maintaining in mutual confidence at these three universities the same theory and practice in matters of eligibility, we adopt the following statement of principles:--
"1. No man who has ever received any pecuniary reward or its equivalent by reason of his connection with athletic--whether for playing, coaching or acting as teacher in any branch of sport or engaging therein in any capacity--shall represent his university in any athletic team or crew, except that any University Committee on Eligibility may, subject to the approval of the Committee of the Chairmen,* permit such participation in intercollegiate athletics by men who might technically be debarred under the letter of the rule, but who, in the judgment of the University Committee on Eligibility, have not commercialized their athletic ability or offended against the spirit of the foregoing provision.
"2. No student shall represent his university in any athletic team or crew who receives from others than those on whom he is naturally dependent for financial support money or the equivalent of money, such as board and lodging, etc., unless the source and character of these gifts or payments to him shall be approved by the University Committee on Eligibility, subject to the approval of the Committee of the Chairmen, on the ground that they have not accrued to him primarily because of his ability as an athlete. Cases are to be submitted in advance to the University Committee on Eligibility. A student who takes part in summer baseball or in the work of a summer camp, for example, without first securing the approval of the University Committee on Eligibility for his plans, jeopardizes his right thereafter to represent his university in any team or crew.
"The University Committee on Eligibility shall have power, however, to grant permission in advance to a student to engage in athletics, whether during term time or vacation, as the representative of an organization not connected with the university, under such conditions not at variance with the spirit of the rule as it may approve. It may also decide cases involving unintentional, technical or trivial violations of the foregoing rules, which are intended to prevent discrimination either for or against a student because he is an athlete.
"3. No student shall be eligible to membership in a university team or crew until he has completed satisfactorily a full year's work at the university and has satisfied the requirements for advancement with his class as determined by the faculty.
"4. No student shall compete in intercollegiate athletics in a university team or crew for more than three academic years, but the year or years during which a man may have represented any university or college other than Harvard, Yale or Princeton in a university team or crew shall be counted as a part of the three-year period of representation only in the same sport in which he has competed. In no case, however, shall any student represent Harvard, Yale, or Princeton in intercollegiate athletics in a university team or crew in more than three different academic years.
"5. No student shall be eligible for a university or freshman team or crew unless he is in good scholastic standing at his university as determined by the faculty of that institution.
"6. No student in a graduate school or in a professional school of graduate standing shall be eligible for membership in a university team or crew.
"7. No student who has, while enrolled in another university or college, taken part in competitive athletics as a member of his university or college or class team or crew, shall be eligible to membership in freshman teams or crews.
"Only those institutions which are named in the Carnegie List' as universities or colleges shall be regarded as such in the application of the preceding paragraph.
"8. No student shall be eligible for membership in any university team or crew who has lost his class standing because of deficiencies in scholarship, or because of university discipline, until after one year from the time at which he lost his class standing, unless in the meantime he shall have been restored to his former class standing by action of his university faculty.
"In the administration of this agreement entered into by Harvard, Yale, and Princeton in June, 1916, it is intended that there shall be a maximum of self-government in athletic matters in each university, but it shall be understood that questions of interpretation and enforcement of the rules and all questions involved in the athletic relations of the universities may be submitted to the Committee of the Chairmen by any one of the said universities.
"Six months' notice shall be required for withdrawal from this agreement by any one of these universities."
*The Committee' of the Chairmen shall be composed of the three Chairmen of the local Committee on Eligibility, or of members of the respective faculties appointed to represent the three Committees on Eligibility and the Athletic Associations
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