
Regimental Orders

1. Captain Manvel H. Davis is appointed Adjutant.

2. Under the provisions of paragraph 9, "Regulations for the Government of the Harvard Regiment," the following promotions and appointments of non-commissioned officers, Harvard Regiment, are announced:

Band--Sergeants: Albion Cushman Dean, 2d, '19, Henry Rice Guild '17, Howland H. Pell, Jr., '19, Chester A. Elliott '19; Corporals: Allen Drummond McLean '18, Herbert W. Flagg '16, Harold Willard Gleason '17, Bernard N. Lovgren 2G., Richard Jordan Stiles '18, Grant Robbins Willard uC.

Company B--Sergeant: Minot Justin Savage '19; Corporals: Edward Preble Motley '19, Edward Allen Whitney '17.

Company D--Sergeant: Charles Campbell Patterson, Jr., '16; Corporals: Andrew Burton Talbot '18, Robert Frederick Herrick, Jr., '16.


They will be obeyed and respected accordingly. C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army,   Commanding.   Headquarters,   Harvard Regiment,   Cambridge, Mass., May 31, 1916.

General Orders,

No. 16.

To the officers and men of the Harvard Regiment:--

Less than five months have elapsed since the organization of the Regiment, scarcely four of which have been devoted to military instruction; yet within that time the Regiment has developed a relative efficiency that is most extraordinary.

It would be fallacious to state that its members had rounded out their knowledge to such an extent as thoroughly to fit them for even the multifarious duties of the subaltern. Military science has progressed so much in recent years as to require the highest degree of training on the part of the officer. To exercise intelligent command of troops, to know how to lead and to care for men, to make brain and body meter with the greatest gain and the minimum loss, mean close study and constant application covering a period of years, not months.

Military training makes for self-respect, self-reliance, consideration for the rights of others, comradeship, citizenship--in the fullest sense of the term.

Though you have but crossed the threshold, you are so much better prepared to carry on the task of manhood service than are those who have been less fortunate, less inspired, than yourselves; and your preparation will mean, in time, that you will count as greater factors in avoiding war, or lesser sufferers if it should come.

Many of your are going forth into the different walks of life, and it is well that you should do so; for I believe, as do the vast majority of professional soldiers, that "Peace hath its victories no less renowned than war." And your military spirit is going to help you to aid in the preservation of peace, or its quick restoration if conflict comes.

You gave up your time, voluntarily, to the task--the splendid results accomplished bear testimony to your seriousness and to your enthusiasm. It has been my good fortune to witness many a fine display of ardor, but I have yet to see as magnificent a spirit, as enviable beam-work, as you have manifested in the past few months. Your interest and your loyalty have made my work a pleasure; and I shall ever treasure the memory of our association together, and the honor of commanding a body which so conspicuously represents the best type of American manhood.   CONSTANT CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army,   Commanding,
