

Since golf and tennis on Sundays are an habitual form of exercise and recreation at all country clubs of importance near Boston, it seems inconsistent that the University courts should be closed on this day. It is highly improbable that an appreciable number of students object to Sunday tennis on the grounds of moral principle. But the creation of a disturbance to the people who live near the courts might be a serious criticism. Though Jarvis Field is so situated that tennis on its courts might demoralize the Sunday atmosphere in the residential section adjoining, Soldiers Field may be considered differently. It is remote from the religious and residential sections of Cambridge, and consequently tennis on the Soldiers Field courts would not intrude upon the devout or restful influence of Sunday in Cambridge.

The old statute of Massachusetts, not rigidly enforced, as is illustrated by the Sunday attitude of country clubs throughout the state, runs as follows:

"Whoever on Lord's Day keeps open his shop, warehouse, or workhouse, or does any manner of labor, business, or work, except works of charity and necessity, or takes part in any sport, game, play, or public diversion, except a concert or sacred music, or an entertainment given by a religious or charitable society, the proceeds of which, if any, are to be devoted exclusively to a charitable or religious purpose, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50 for each offence, and the proprietor, manager, or person in charge of each game, sport, play, or public diversion except as aforesaid, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $500 for each offence."

To prove inconsistency in these blue laws and their enforcement would be child's play. They are enforced in Cambridge, and not at Longwood. The beaches on Sunday are scenes of amusements less innocent than tennis. How long are people of Massachusetts to suffer under this relic? When will Massachusetts catch up with the times?
