

Eighteen Surgeons and Thirty-two Nurses From Medical School to Start Work June 9.

A third Medical Unit, which will be composed of 18 surgeons, practically all graduates of the Medical School, and 32 nurses, will sail for England on the Cunard Liner. "Andania" on May 20. The new unit will be under the leadership of Dr. Hugh Cabot '94, professor of surgery at the Medical School. This group will continue the work of the second unit, which was sent to Europe last November at the request of Sir William Osler, of Oxford, England, and which will complete a six months' tour of duty at a British Base Hospital near Boulogne on the French coast on June 9. On that date the new unit will arrive and take charge. It is expected that the hospital will have a capacity of 1400 beds.

The unit will be organized as a base hospital in the British regular service and will, like all regular British hospitals, be under the general command of Director-General Sir Alfred Keough, whose office corresponds to that of surgeon-general in the United States Army. Dr. Cabot, as chief surgeon, will be ranked as a lieutenant-colonel, and the other men will receive ranks as majors, captains, and lieutenants, according to the duties which they are to perform. A regular commission will not be given, however, in order that men need not give up their American citizenship, as would be necessary to receive a commission under the Crown; but relative rank will be given in accordance with the plan pursued in such cases by the British war office.
